
My English Learnning

this article is the first one that the teacher counts from 6 that he gave. he gave so many but it is not matter if i grumble, so i'll write it now.when i witten my blog generally i write it in thai before then i will translate it in to english, this time is too. this time i write about my english learning.

if i want to tell u, i have to tell since i was grade 4. in that time my english is very bad. when i was grade 5 i had change school into Sarasas Patthana school, i was learning in bilingual programme but it was not quite good , i had not learn with foreigners as much as i should be. After that i learnt at Sarasas Pitthaya school in grade. Hear i completely learnt with foreigners, i learnt every subject in English. After the semester, i realize that i could speak or contact with foreingers very smoothly. When i learnt grade 7, i moved into Suankularb Witthayalai School. At this school, i rarely learnt with foreigners, even it had, it was only little. Moreover, iwas not read any book(after i learnt at Suankularb), so my English skill was worse and worse. In grade 7, i went back to old school, i was still speaking with foreigners. In grade 8, it was okey, but sometimes they had to repeat it again and again. Until i was grade 9, i came back to old school again but i could not speak or listen in English, i had to asked them for Thai language!!! or requested some help from my friends. After that i did not back to my old school again, and i think that my English was getting worse and worse every year. i read book again when i was early in the University, i read it until my English was okey, then i stopped and did not use it Frequently, thus it got worse a bit and it is now.

this is about my English learning and i think that in the future i have to read more books for getting better. if it is possible, i would like to contact or communicate with foreigner as much as possible(use it every day). and i think if u want to good in English, the best thing that help u is contacting with foriegner as frequently as u can, it will be accustoming and developing ur English skill very quickly.


New Year 2010

This is the firrst New Year's holiday that I did not go to anywhere. Every year I must have a trip to go to countryside but this year was not, I stayed at home all the holiday, countdown in front of my notebook in a game, slept for the most day - -. It was the most worthless holiday. Do you know Why I have to stayed at home. It's because my grandmother was sick, she couldn't goes anywhere. Every year she goes with us, so if we left her alone at home, she might be hurt. We didn't want her to feel like that, so all of us stayed home with her, we are very grateful haha. It was pass don't mention it -*-+.

This year I want to be better. I will read book(change from never read), have enough sleep, learn more things, do more usetage things and emphasize with people around me. Last, I wish the god bless you(readers and my friends) to be healthy, wealthy, successful and happy all the year. Happy New Year 2010 Krab.

Good Luck Everybody....PeaK