
My English Learnning

this article is the first one that the teacher counts from 6 that he gave. he gave so many but it is not matter if i grumble, so i'll write it now.when i witten my blog generally i write it in thai before then i will translate it in to english, this time is too. this time i write about my english learning.

if i want to tell u, i have to tell since i was grade 4. in that time my english is very bad. when i was grade 5 i had change school into Sarasas Patthana school, i was learning in bilingual programme but it was not quite good , i had not learn with foreigners as much as i should be. After that i learnt at Sarasas Pitthaya school in grade. Hear i completely learnt with foreigners, i learnt every subject in English. After the semester, i realize that i could speak or contact with foreingers very smoothly. When i learnt grade 7, i moved into Suankularb Witthayalai School. At this school, i rarely learnt with foreigners, even it had, it was only little. Moreover, iwas not read any book(after i learnt at Suankularb), so my English skill was worse and worse. In grade 7, i went back to old school, i was still speaking with foreigners. In grade 8, it was okey, but sometimes they had to repeat it again and again. Until i was grade 9, i came back to old school again but i could not speak or listen in English, i had to asked them for Thai language!!! or requested some help from my friends. After that i did not back to my old school again, and i think that my English was getting worse and worse every year. i read book again when i was early in the University, i read it until my English was okey, then i stopped and did not use it Frequently, thus it got worse a bit and it is now.

this is about my English learning and i think that in the future i have to read more books for getting better. if it is possible, i would like to contact or communicate with foreigner as much as possible(use it every day). and i think if u want to good in English, the best thing that help u is contacting with foriegner as frequently as u can, it will be accustoming and developing ur English skill very quickly.

3 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Why you study LNG102 ?

    I think you can study LNG103.

  2. I played game.


    and last week I don't use computer because I went to travel with my family.

    I draft my story that I went to travel,but it's not finish.


  3. จาพูดทำไมเนี้ย
